• Grace Goodhue Coolidge
    Feodor Zakharov
    This pencil sketch of First Lady Grace Coolidge was done by Feodor Zakharov. Zakharov began exhibiting in Russia in 1911 and then worldwide before settling in New York. Other commissions include works for a U.S. Ambassador to China and First Lady Edith Bolling Galt Wilson.
  • Grace Goodhue Coolidge
    Howard Chandler Christy
    This watercolor painting of First Lady Grace Coolidge by Howard Chandler Christy is a preliminary version of the official portrait he painted. That portrait has historically hung in the White House China Room, which was decorated in a shade of red to match Mrs. Coolidge's dress. Calvin Coolidge was president from August 2, 1923 until March 4, 1929. Mrs. Coolidge held a Bachelor's degree in teaching and taught at a school for deaf children before her marriage. See image number 137 for the official portrait.