• Drawing of the Front Hall's Curved Doorway, Decatur House Collection
    Benjamn Henry Latrobe
    Decatur House
    Washington, D.C.
    This architectural drawing of the entrance hall doors to Decatur House was created by Benjamin Henry Latrobe in January 1818. The drawing also depicts the door elevation and reflected ceiling. Latrobe is best known as the architect who designed the United States Capitol, St. John's Church, Decatur House in Lafayette Square, the White House East and West Terraces, and the Madison state rooms. He was also the chief engineer for the U.S. Navy. Completed in 1818, Decatur House was the third building on Lafayette Square and its first private residence. Decatur House was designed by Benjamin Henry Latrobe, the architect of the Capitol and several other famous buildings, for Commodore Stephen Decatur and his wife, Susan. Tragically, in 1820 Stephen Decatur was mortally wounded during a duel and his widow Susan subsequently rented out the house to foreign ministers and several secretaries of state. The house was eventually sold and passed through several hands, including the Gadsby family, the U.S. Subsistence Bureau, and the Beale family. Marie Ogle Beale, a society maven, and the last owner left the house to National Trust for Historic Preservation in 1961. In 2010, the White House Historical Association and National Trust entered into a co-stewardship arrangement of Decatur House.
  • The President's House
    George Munger
    North View
    This watercolor by artist George Munger depicts the burned-out shell of the White after it was destroyed by British troops on August 24, 1814. The painting shows the once elegant and imposing house standing alone in the landscape, a vivid reminder of the destruction and that the capital city was still in its infancy. A curious element of the work is the S-curved shape above the near corner of the roof. It is believed to be part of metallic conductor that encircled the roof that functioned as lighting protection system.
  • President's House, Washington
    Lefevre Cranstone
    White House
    south view
    This watercolor painting by Lefevre Cranstone depicts the south view of the White House. It was done during James Buchanan's presidency (1857-1861).
  • White House and Department Office Buildings
    Anne-Marguerite-Henriette Rouillé de Marigny Hyde de Neuville, baronne
    White House
    Eisenhower Executive Office Building
    drawings & plans
    Treasury Department
    This painting of the White House, with the Departments of State, Treasury, War and Navy surrounding it, was drawn by Anne-Marguerite-Henriette Rouillé de Marigny Hyde de Neuville, baronne (more commonly known as Anne-Marguerite Hyde de Neuville)in 1820. She was the wife of the French Minister to the United States and a gifted artist. She and her husband were tenants at Decatur House on Lafayette Square during his time as the ambassador.