• A White House Holiday Reception, 1903
    Tom Freeman
    West Wing
    This is a painting of guests waiting in line for a holiday reception at the White House created by Tom Freeman ca. 2000. The scene is set in 1903 with guests waiting near the recently completed West Wing. ***Interior use only for publications***
  • The President's House, December 1800
    Tom Freeman
    south view
    This painting of a New Year's Eve reception at the White House was created by artist Tom Freeman in 2000, during President Bill Clinton's administration. As part of a celebration of the 200th anniversary of the occupancy of the White House, the White House Historical Association commissioned this painting depicting guests arriving at the south entrance of the President's House in 1800 for a levee hosted by President John Adams. ***Interior use only for publications***
  • Burning of the White House by British Soldiers in 1814
    Tom Freeman
    War of 1812
    north view
    This painting by Tom Freeman for the White House Historical Association shows the burning north and west facades of the White House when it was set aflame by the British soldiers on August 24, 1814 during the War of 1812. British soldiers can be seen in the foreground. It was commissioned during George W. Bush's presidency, but depicts events that occurred during James Madison's. ***Interior use only for publications***
  • The White House, November 1800
    Tom Freeman
    White House
    south view
    drawings & plans
    This color illustration depicts what the south view of the White House might have looked like while major construction was just completed. The House itself is intact but the lawn is full of mud and carts.