President Lincoln with Gen. George B. McClellan with Officers in Antietam
This photograph of President Lincoln standing among a group of soldiers during the Civil War was taken by Alexander Gardner on October 3, 1862. The photograph was taken on the grounds on the Battle of Antietam, which took place in northwestern Maryland on September 17, 1862 and is considered the bloodiest day-long battle in American history. Standing, from left to right, are: Col. Delos B. Sacket, I.G.; Capt. George Monteith; Lt. Col. Nelson B. Sweitzer; Gen. George W. Morell; Col. Alexander S. Webb, Chief of Staff, 5th Corps.; Gen. George B. McClellan; Scout Adams; Dr. Jonathan Letterman, Army Medical Doctor; unknown soldier; President Lincoln; Gen. Henry J. Hunt; Gen. Fitz-John Porter; unknown soldier; Col. Frederick T. Locke, A.A.G.; Gen. Andrew A. Humphreys; Capt. George Armstrong Custer. The original photograph was a glass negative, wet collodion print.