• Abraham Lincoln and Tad Look at an Album
    Anthony Berger
    First Family
    This photograph of President Abraham Lincoln and Tad Lincoln was taken on February 9, 1864 by photographer Anthony Berger of the Brady Studio in Washington, D.C. In this portrait photograph, President Lincoln and his youngest son look at an album of preeminent photographer Mathew Brady's photographs.
  • Tad Lincoln on Horseback
    First Family
    This drawing of Thomas Lincoln, commonly referred to as Tad, was inspired by a nearly identical photograph of President Abraham Lincoln and First Lady Mary Todd Lincoln's youngest child astride his pony. In this depiction, however, President Lincoln has been added to the background, watching over his son. The original piece was a carte de viste.
  • Tad Lincoln on His Pony
    First Family
    This photograph of Thomas Lincoln, commonly referred to as Tad, was taken around 1860 to 1865. In the photograph, taken from the side, Tad sits astride his pony with a wall and tent visible in the background. Tad was the youngest son of President Abraham Lincoln and First Lady Mary Todd Lincoln. The original print was a carte de viste.
  • Tad Lincoln in a Lieutenant's Uniform
    First Family
    This photograph of President Abraham Lincoln's youngest son, Thomas "Tad" Lincoln, was taken around 1864. In the portrait photograph, Tad is wearing a Union officer's uniform given to him as a courtesy commission by President Lincoln's Secretary of War, Edwin M. Stanton. Stanton served as Secretary of War through the Civil War and the Reconstruction and later served as an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court.
  • Abraham Lincoln with Tad
    Alexander Gardner
    First Family
    This black and white photograph of President Abraham Lincoln and his youngest son Tad was taken by Alexander Gardner on February 5, 1865. The portrait photograph was originally a gelatin silver print and was taken at Gardner's Gallery in Washington, D.C. This photograph was from the last series of images taken of President Lincoln, previously thought to have been taken on April 10, 1865, just four days before his assassination at Ford's Theater. Subsequent research has discovered the more likely date of creation to have been in February.