• Military at the State Arrival Ceremony for the President of France
    Matthew D'Agostino
    honor guards
    Washington Monument
    State Visit
    State Arrival Ceremony
    South Lawn
    South Grounds
    Jefferson Memorial
    This photograph, taken by Matthew D'Agostino for the White House Historical Association on December 1, 2022, shows members of a ceremonial honor guard from the United States Army and the United States Marine Corps at a State Arrival Ceremony hosted on the South Lawn by President Joseph R. Biden to welcome President Emmanuel Macron of the French Republic. President Biden and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden welcomed Macron and Brigitte Macron, spouse to the president of France, to the White House for the day's events which included the arrival ceremony, a press conference with President Biden and Macron, and, later that evening, a State Dinner. This was Biden's first State Visit as president.
  • Military at the State Arrival Ceremony for the President of France
    Matthew D'Agostino
    honor guards
    Washington Monument
    State Visit
    State Arrival Ceremony
    South Lawn
    South Grounds
    Jefferson Memorial
    This photograph, taken by Matthew D'Agostino for the White House Historical Association on December 1, 2022, shows members of a ceremonial honor guard from different branches of the United States military at a State Arrival Ceremony hosted on the South Lawn by President Joseph R. Biden to welcome President Emmanuel Macron of the French Republic. President Biden and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden welcomed Macron and Brigitte Macron, spouse to the president of France, to the White House for the day's events which included the arrival ceremony, a press conference with President Biden and Macron, and, later that evening, a State Dinner. This was Biden's first State Visit as president.
  • President Bush Participates in a Wreath Laying Ceremony
    Veterans Day
    Arlington National Cemetery
    In this photograph, President George H. W. Bush participates in a ceremonial wreath laying at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery on Veterans Day 1991. Since 1921, presidents have paid their respects at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, often in observance of military commemorations including Veterans Day and Memorial Day.
  • President Reagan Participates in a Wreath Laying Ceremony
    Pete Souza
    Veterans Day
    Arlington National Cemetery
    In this photograph, President Ronald Reagan participates in a ceremonial wreath laying at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery on Veterans Day 1985. Since 1921, presidents have paid their respects at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, often in observance of military commemorations including Veterans Day and Memorial Day.
  • President Coolidge Participates in a Wreath Laying Ceremony
    Department of Defence
    Veterans Day
    Arlington National Cemetery
    In this photograph, taken in 1927, President Calvin Coolidge observes Armistice Day, which preceded the formal holiday of Veterans Day, by laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia. Since 1921, presidents have paid their respects at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, often in observance of military commemorations including Veterans Day and Memorial Day.
  • President and Mrs. Bush Visit Site of September 11 Terrorist Attacks
    Kimberlee Hewitt
    September 11
    New York City
    New York
    Presidential Visit
    In this photograph, taken by Kimberlee Hewitt on September 10, 2006, President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Welch Bush participate in a wreath-laying ceremony at the north reflecting pool at the former site of the World Trade Center in New York, New York. President and Mrs. Bush paid their respects at the site to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the terrorist attacks that destroyed the twin towers of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. The National September 11 Memorial was later built on the site and dedicated on September 11, 2011. In May 2014, an adjacent museum was opened and dedicated by President Barack Obama.
  • President Bush Dedicates National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial
    Eric Draper
    September 11
    Presidential Visit
    In this photograph, President George W. Bush delivers a speech during the dedication ceremony for the National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial in Arlington, Virginia on the seventh anniversary of the terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001. Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld can be seen seated behind the president. Designed by Julie Beckman and Keith Kaseman, the memorial honors the 184 victims who perished when the hijacked aircraft American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the west side of the Pentagon. The outdoor memorial identifies victims by name and age, and includes illuminated water features to represent each victim. In 2002, President Bush designated September 11th as Patriot Day, a time that has been recognized through presidential proclamations as a national day of remembrance, prayer, and service. Presidents and first ladies typically commemorate the day through moment of silence observations on the White House South Lawn, and by attending remembrance ceremonies at sites affected by the terrorist attacks.
  • President and Mrs. Bush Visit Flight 93 Crash Site
    Tina Hager
    September 11
    Presidential Visit
    In this photograph, President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Welch Bush participate in a wreath-laying ceremony near the crash site for United Airlines Flight 93 in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, on the first anniversary of the terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001. Flight 93 was one of four airplanes hijacked by al-Qaida terrorists on September 11, 2001. Believed to be targeting the United States Capitol Building, the flight crashed into a field after passengers and crew attempted to regain control of the aircraft. Preliminary work for the Flight 93 National Memorial was completed on September 10, 2010, and the permanent memorial opened to the public on September 10, 2015. In 2002, President Bush designated September 11th as Patriot Day, a time that has been recognized through presidential proclamations as a national day of remembrance, prayer, and service. Presidents and first ladies typically commemorate the day through moment of silence observations on the White House South Lawn, and by attending remembrance ceremonies at sites affected by the terrorist attacks.
  • President and Mrs. Bush Participate in Memorial Service for September 11th Victims
    Eric Draper
    Washington, D.C.
    St. John's Church
    Semptember 11
    In this photograph, taken by Eric Draper on September 11, 2002, President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Welch Bush light a candle at St. John's Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C., during a private service of prayer and remembrance honoring the victims of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. This first anniversary of the attacks was also the first observation of Patriot Day, a day designated by President Bush for national participation in remembrance ceremonies. On September 11, 2002, President Bush also participated in a moment of silence at the White House and visited the location of the terrorist attacks in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, the former site of the World Trade Center in New York city, and the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial Dedication Ceremony
    Carol M. Highsmith
    Washington, D.C.
    Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial
    This photograph was taken during the dedication ceremony for the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial on May 2, 1997. Planning for the memorial began in 1955. Lawrence Halprin's design for the memorial, approved by the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial Commission for Fine Arts in 1978, includes four outdoor gallery rooms featuring sculptures, waterfalls, and inscriptions which pay homage to President Roosevelt's four terms in office from 1933-1945. In attendance at the ceremony were President Bill Clinton, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, Vice President Al Gore, Second Lady Tipper Gore, U.S. Senators and FDR Commission Co-Chairs Daniel K. Inouye and Mark O. Hatfield, President Roosevelt's grandson David B. Roosevelt, Princess Margriet of the Netherlands, opera singer Denyce Graves, and CBS correspondent Mike Wallace, who served as master of ceremonies.
  • Vice President Gore Speaks at Roosevelt Memorial Dedication
    Carol M. Highsmith
    Washington, D.C.
    Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial
    This photograph shows Vice President Al Gore speaking during the dedication ceremony for the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial on May 2, 1997. Planning for the memorial began in 1955. Lawrence Halprin's design for the memorial, approved by the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial Commission for Fine Arts in 1978, includes four outdoor gallery rooms featuring sculptures, waterfalls, and inscriptions which pay homage to President Roosevelt's four terms in office from 1933-1945. In attendance at the ceremony were President Bill Clinton, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, Vice President Al Gore, Second Lady Tipper Gore, U.S. Senators and FDR Commission Co-Chairs Daniel K. Inouye and Mark O. Hatfield, President Roosevelt's grandson David B. Roosevelt, Princess Margriet of the Netherlands, opera singer Denyce Graves, and CBS correspondent Mike Wallace, who served as master of ceremonies.
  • President and Mrs. Trump Participate in September 11 Observance Ceremony
    Andrea Hanks
    Presidential Visit
    September 11
    In this photograph, taken by Andrea Hanks on September 11, 2019, President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump observe a moment of silence during the September 11th Observance Ceremony at the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. In 2002, President George W. Bush designated September 11th as Patriot Day, a time that has been recognized through presidential proclamations as a national day of remembrance, prayer, and service. Presidents and first ladies typically commemorate the day through moment of silence observations on the White House South Lawn, and by attending remembrance ceremonies at sites affected by the terrorist attacks.
  • President and Mrs. Trump Participate in September 11 Observance Ceremony
    Andrea Hanks
    September 11
    Presidential Visit
    In this photograph, taken by Andrea Hanks on September 11, 2019, President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump participate in a wreath-laying ceremony with Secretary of Defense Mark Esper, his wife Leah Esper, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford and his wife Ellyn Dunford during the September 11th Observance Ceremony at the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. In 2002, President George W. Bush designated September 11th as Patriot Day, a time that has been recognized through presidential proclamations as a national day of remembrance, prayer, and service. Presidents and first ladies typically commemorate the day through moment of silence observations on the White House South Lawn, and by attending remembrance ceremonies at sites affected by the terrorist attacks.
  • President Obama Participates in September 11 Observance Ceremony
    Pete Souza
    September 11
    Presidential Visit
    In this photograph, taken by Pete Souza on September 11, 2014, President Barack Obama listens to the national anthem with Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staffs, during the September 11th Observance Ceremony at the National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial in Arlington, Virginia. In 2002, President George W. Bush designated September 11th as Patriot Day, a time that has been recognized through presidential proclamations as a national day of remembrance, prayer, and service. Presidents and first ladies typically commemorate the day through moment of silence observations on the White House South Lawn, and by attending remembrance ceremonies at sites affected by the terrorist attacks.
  • National September 11 Memorial Dedication Ceremony
    Pete Souza
    September 11
    Presidential Visit
    New York City
    New York
    In this photograph, President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, former President George W. Bush, and former First Lady Laura Welch Bush listen to a speaker during the dedication ceremony for the National September 11 Memorial in New York, New York, on September 11, 2011. The dedication ceremony was held in commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001. Located at the former site of the World Trade Center, the memorial features reflecting pools bearing the names of the victims of the September 11th terrorist attacks and the 1993 World Trade Center bombings. In May 2014, an adjacent museum was opened and dedicated by President Barack Obama. In 2002, President George W. Bush designated September 11th as Patriot Day, a time that has been recognized through presidential proclamations as a national day of remembrance, prayer, and service. Presidents and first ladies typically commemorate the day through moment of silence observations on the White House South Lawn, and by attending remembrance ceremonies at sites affected by the terrorist attacks.
  • National September 11 Memorial Dedication
    Chuck Kennedy
    New York City
    New York
    Presidential Visit
    September 11
    In this photograph, President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama join former President George W. Bush and former First Lady Laura Welch Bush for the dedication of the National September 11 Memorial in New York, New York, on September 11, 2011. The dedication ceremony was held in commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001. Located at the former site of the World Trade Center, the memorial features reflecting pools bearing the names of the victims of the September 11th terrorist attacks and the 1993 World Trade Center bombings. In May 2014, an adjacent museum was opened and dedicated by President Barack Obama. In 2002, President George W. Bush designated September 11th as Patriot Day, a time that has been recognized through presidential proclamations as a national day of remembrance, prayer, and service. Presidents and first ladies typically commemorate the day through moment of silence observations on the White House South Lawn, and by attending remembrance ceremonies at sites affected by the terrorist attacks.
  • National September 11 Memorial Dedication
    Pete Souza
    New York City
    New York
    Presidential Visit
    September 11
    In this photograph, President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama join former President George W. Bush and former First Lady Laura Welch Bush for the dedication of the National September 11 Memorial in New York, New York, on September 11, 2011. The dedication ceremony was held in commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001. Located at the former site of the World Trade Center, the memorial features reflecting pools bearing the names of the victims of the September 11th terrorist attacks and the 1993 World Trade Center bombings. In May 2014, an adjacent museum was opened and dedicated by President Barack Obama. In 2002, President George W. Bush designated September 11th as Patriot Day, a time that has been recognized through presidential proclamations as a national day of remembrance, prayer, and service. Presidents and first ladies typically commemorate the day through moment of silence observations on the White House South Lawn, and by attending remembrance ceremonies at sites affected by the terrorist attacks.
  • National September 11 Memorial Dedication
    Pete Souza
    New York City
    New York
    September 11
    Presidential Visit
    In this photograph, President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama join former President George W. Bush and former First Lady Laura Welch Bush to greet family members and local dignitaries in advance of the dedication of the National September 11 Memorial in New York, New York, on September 11, 2011. The dedication ceremony was held in commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001. Located at the former site of the World Trade Center, the memorial features reflecting pools bearing the names of the victims of the September 11th terrorist attacks and the 1993 World Trade Center bombings. In May 2014, an adjacent museum was opened and dedicated by President Barack Obama. In 2002, President George W. Bush designated September 11th as Patriot Day, a time that has been recognized through presidential proclamations as a national day of remembrance, prayer, and service. Presidents and first ladies typically commemorate the day through moment of silence observations on the White House South Lawn, and by attending remembrance ceremonies at sites affected by the terrorist attacks.
  • President and Mrs. Obama Visit Flight 93 National Memorial
    Pete Souza
    Presidential Visit
    September 11
    In this photograph, President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama visit the crash site for United Airlines Flight 93 following a ceremony at the Flight 93 National Memorial in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, on the tenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001. Flight 93 was one of four airplanes hijacked by al-Qaida terrorists on September 11, 2001. Believed to be targeting the United States Capitol Building, the flight crashed into a field after passengers and crew attempted to regain control of the aircraft. Preliminary work for the Flight 93 National Memorial was completed on September 10, 2010, and the permanent memorial opened to the public on September 10, 2015. In 2002, President George W. Bush designated September 11th as Patriot Day, a time that has been recognized through presidential proclamations as a national day of remembrance, prayer, and service. Presidents and first ladies typically commemorate the day through moment of silence observations on the White House South Lawn, and by attending remembrance ceremonies at sites affected by the terrorist attacks.
  • North Front of the White House, Reagan Administration
    Joseph H. Bailey
    north view
    Washington Monument
    North Portico
    Jefferson Memorial
    This photograph of the North Front of the White House was taken in July 1982 by Joseph H. Bailey during the administration of Ronald Reagan. The Washington Monument and Jefferson Memorial are visible in the distance.
  • Holiday Card from President and Mrs. Johnson, 1968
    White House Calligraphy Office
    south view
    South Lawn
    Washington Monument
    Jefferson Memorial
    This is the illustrated side of a holiday card that was presented to White House Executive Chef Henry Haller from First Lady Lady Bird Johnson and President Lyndon B. Johnson in December 1968. The card features an illustration by Robert Laessig of the South Grounds as seen from the South Portico, with the Jefferson Monument and Washington Monument visible in the distance. The card includes a note from the presidential couple, declaring "appreciation" and "warmest wishes" for "all the years ahead." The Johnson's 1968 holiday card marked both the passing of the holiday season as well as the end of the Johnson administration, with the inauguration of President Richard M. Nixon the following month. To see the full card, see 1128399. This card is part of a personal collection belonging to Chef Haller. In the position, Haller served five first families and their distinguished guests from 1966-1987.
  • The Monuments Seen from the White House
    Bates Littlehales
    Washington Monument
    South Lawn
    Jefferson Memorial
    This photograph by Bates Littlehales shows the view of the South Lawn, Washington Monument, and Jefferson Memorial from the White House. This photograph was taken by Bates Littlehales in April 1962, during the John F. Kennedy administration.
  • The Monuments Seen from the White House
    Bates Littlehales
    Jefferson Memorial
    South Lawn
    Washington Monument
    This photograph by Bates Littlehales shows the view of the South Lawn, Washington Monument, and Jefferson Memorial from the White House. This photograph was taken by Bates Littlehales in April 1962, during the John F. Kennedy administration.
  • The Monuments Seen from the White House
    Bates Littlehales
    Washington Monument
    South Lawn
    Jefferson Memorial
    This photograph by Bates Littlehales shows the view of the South Lawn, Washington Monument, and Jefferson Memorial from the White House. This photograph was taken by Bates Littlehales in April 1962, during the John F. Kennedy administration.
  • The Monuments Seen from the White House
    Bates Littlehales
    Washington Monument
    South Lawn
    Jefferson Memorial
    This photograph by Bates Littlehales shows the view of the South Lawn, Washington Monument, and Jefferson Memorial from the White House. This photograph was taken by Bates Littlehales in April 1962, during the John F. Kennedy administration.