• Black Cloth Composite, White House Collection
    White House Historical Association
    north view
    State Floor
    North Portico
    East Room
    White House Collection
    This composite is made of fashion plates showing mourning wear, an illustration of the President Abraham's Lincoln lying in state in the East Room of the White House, and the North Portico draped in black cloth in mourning for President James Garfield. The image was used for the digital exhibit called "Black Cloth: Mourning Dress and Drapery at the White House." It may only be used for press and publicity purposes related to the exhibit. All other uses must be approved by the White House Historical Association in writing.
  • Emigrant Scene, White House Collection
    W. H. Powell
    American Indians
    White House Collection
    This painting is attributed to William Henry Powell (sometimes known as W.H. Powell), who was a New York City painter and trained under Henry Inman. The painting depicts a group of settlers and their horses around a covered wagon. An American Indian man is in the center of the group and pointing off into the distance, suggesting he is providing directions to the seated figure looking at a map. Powell's "Discovery of the Mississippi by De Soto A.D. 1541" hangs in the United States Capitol Rotunda.
  • Going to Church, White House Collection
    George Henry Durrie
    White House Collection
    This rural landscape by George Henry Durrie was completed in 1853. A native of New England, Durrie often presented idyllic images of farm life, quiet refuges from America's rapid industrialization and escalating social and political tensions. This winter scene depicts members of a small town heading to church on foot and in horse-drawn sleighs.
  • Three-Master American Barque, White House Collection
    W. J. Bennett
    White House Collection
    This seascape of a three-masted American ship, or barque, is attributed to W.J. Bennett, also known as William James Bennett. Dark clouds, high seas, and full sails suggest a stormy day as the ship navigates around a number of smaller vessels. Bennett was a British-born painter active in America and was a member of the National Academy of Design in New York City.
  • The Avenue in the Rain, White House Collection
    Childe Hassam
    New York City
    New York
    White House Collection
    This painting of American flags on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan is by one of the most prominent American Impressionists of the early 20th century, Frederick Childe Hassam (known to many as Childe Hassam). The painting depicts both flags hanging on Fifth Avenue as well as reflections of the flags in water following a rainstorm. The Avenue in the Rain is one of 30 flag paintings of his that coincided with World War I. Fifth Avenue in New York City was frequently decorated with American flags at the time, as the United States debated entry into the war. This piece was completed in February of 1917, barely two months before Congress declared war on Germany on April 6th. Six Hassam pieces are in the White House Collection.
  • Hands Up! -- The Capture of Finnigan, White House Collection
    Frederic Remington
    White House Collection
    This oil painting of an Old American West cowboy scene is by Frederic Remington. Remington, often referred to as Frederic Sackrider Remington, was a prolific painter of the American West and he focused primarily on subjects such as cowboys, American Indians, and the military. The painting is based on an account in future president Theodore Roosevelt's 1888 book Ranch Life and the Hunting Trail about his successful pursuit and capture of three thieves who had cut his boat loose from its mooring and taken it down the Little Missouri River. Remington and Roosevelt became close friends during this period. Three Remington pieces are in the White House Collection.
  • The Declaration of Independence of the United States of America, July 4, 1776, White House Collection
    Charles-Edouard Armand-Dumaresq
    Declaration of Independence
    American Revolution
    White House Collection
    This painting of the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 is by artist Charles-Edouard Armand-Dumaresq. Also in the White House Collection is a sketch that may be a draft by the artist for this work. The painting depicts the delegates actively debating and voting on the Declaration. Armand-Dumaresq was a French painter who visited the United States in the 1870s.
  • Street Scene in Winter (Snowstorm, New York), White House Collection
    Childe Hassam
    New York City
    New York
    White House Collection
    This landscape painting is by noted American Impressionist Frederick Childe Hassam (often referred to as Childe Hassam). It shows a snow-covered New York street. The central figure appears to be a young boy slogging his way through the storm. Six Hassam pieces are in the White House Collection.
  • The Capitol at Night, White House Collection
    Colin Campbell Cooper, Jr.
    Washington, D.C.
    U.S. Capitol
    White House Collection
    This is a watercolor painting of the Capitol Building at night by Colin Campbell Cooper, Jr. The painting depicts the United States Capitol building in Washington, D.C. from a distance at night, with a carriage pulled up to the steps visible beyond the trees. Cooper was an American Impressionist who is most renowned for his architectural paintings, though he also painted portraits, interiors, florals, and landscapes. Cooper and his wife were aboard the RMS Carpathia while it conducted its April 1912 rescue mission of survivors of the sinking of the RMS Titanic. Cooper has two paintings in the White House Collection.
  • U.S.S. Galena, White House Collection
    Antonio N. G. Jacobsen
    White House Collection
    This oil painting by Antonio Nicolo Gaspara Jacobsen is of the USS Galena. There have been three ships in the history of the United States named Galena. This painting represents the second, a wooden steamer built and launched in 1879. She was the flagship of Rear Admiral Pierce Crosby between October 1882 and January 1883 and was decommissioned in 1890. Jacobsen was born in Denmark and immigrated to the United States in 1873. A prolific painter of ships and other maritime views, he was known as the "Audubon of Steam Vessels."
  • Gypsy Girl with Flowers, White House Collection
    Robert Henri
    Ashcan School
    White House Collection
    This painting was done by American artist Robert Henri. Henri painted the little girl named Patience, while vacationing with Henri and his wife, Marjorie, joined George Bellows and his family for the summer in Ogunquit, Maine. She poses with flowers behind her, and her large, dark eyes stand out above her light gown, while her dark hair melds into the forest green background. Henri was a leading figure in the Ashcan school of realism and an influential teacher of art.
  • Red Roses and Green Leaves, White House Collection
    still lifes
    Hudson River School
    White House Collection
    This still life done was done by Martin Johnson Heade around 1903. The painting reveals the fine details of a small bouquet of roses, complete with many layers of petals and the sharp tips of thorns, resting atop a light tablecloth. Heade was an American artist who moved from portrait painting to landscapes during his career, including a number of marine paintings made in Florida. Two of his landscapes are also in the White House Collection.
  • Under the Palisades, in October, White House Collection
    Hudson River School
    White House Collection
    This landscape is by Jasper Francis Cropsey, an American painter associated with the Hudson River School. This striking landscape is almost split between the darker cliff face, which is covered in trees whose leaves are turning, and the lighter left side of the sky and the quiet Hudson River, with a handful of boats visible on the water. Five of Cropsey's paintings are in the White House Collection.
  • The Farm Landing, White House Collection
    White House Collection
    This painting of a private boat dock is by Edward Mitchell Bannister, one of the few paintings of this era by a person of color in the White House Collection. Bannister was originally Canadian and moved to the United States. Like James McNeil Whistler, Bannister was a Tonalist painter known for landscapes. This painting emphasizes different hues of green surrounding the small rowboat tied to a rustic dock that lies alongside a pasture.
  • John Hampden, White House Collection
    White House Collection
    This portrait of John Hampden was done by Hendrick Jan Serin. Hampden was a figure in the English Civil War and was a leading politician and regimental officer on the side of the parliamentarians during the conflict. He was mortally wounded at the Battle of Chalgrove Field in Oxfordshire.
  • Mrs. Richard Brinsley Sheridan, White House Collection
    White House Collection
    This portrait of Mrs. Richard Brinsley Sheridan is attributed to Gainsborough Dupont after Thomas Gainsborough. Gainsborough was the dominant British portraitist in between 1750 and 1800 and was also a founding member of the Royal Academy. Dupont was Gainsborough's nephew and student. Mrs. Richard Brinsley Sheridan (née Elizabeth Ann Linley) was a noted soprano and eldest daughter of composer Thomas Linley.
  • Asgaard Cornfield (Corn and Oats, Gray Day), White House Collection
    New York
    White House Collection
    This painting by Rockwell Kent depicts Asgaard Farm, which he purchased in the 1920s in northeastern New York state on the Au Sable River. The dark green of the corn stalks in the foreground is matched by the dark green trees covering one of the Adirondack mountains that fill the upper portion of the painting.
  • Amerigo Vespucci, White House Collection
    White House Collection
    This marble bust of explorer Amerigo Vespucci is by Italian sculptor Giuseppe Ceracchi. Ceracchi sculpted many notable Americans, including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Alexander Hamilton. This bust was acquired along with busts of Christopher Columbus and President Washington by the Monroe Administration in 1817.
  • Benjamin Franklin, White House Collection
    American Revolution
    White House Collection
    This portrait of Benjamin Franklin was painted by David Martin in 1767 in London, England. Franklin was a renowned author, inventor and philosopher who was also one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. He also served as the representative of the United States in France during the Revolutionary War. Martin was a Scottish painter who later became famous for portraits; this painting of Franklin was one of his early works. Franklin lived in London twice on behalf of the United States and its interests. This portrait was commissioned by Robert Alexander of William Alexander and Sons in Edinburgh, Scotland during one of those stays when Alexander had a property claim being disputed with another man. Both Alexander and the plaintiff agreed to seek Franklin's legal advice and promised to adhere to Franklin's decision. Franklin ruled in favor of Alexander, who commissioned the portrait in gratitude for Franklin's ruling.
  • Castle Rock, Nahant, Massachusetts, White House Collection
    Hudson River School
    White House Collection
    This landscape by Alfred Thompson Bricher is almost twice as wide as it is high, underscoring the vastness of the coast. The brown rock that rises on the left horizon is Castle Rock at Nahant, a peninsula near Lynn, Massachusetts. On the right side of the horizon stands a lighthouse on the small island of Egg Rock. Bricher is associated with the Hudson River School in American art and is known for seascapes and marine landscapes.
  • The Outgoing and Incoming Presidents Leaving the White House, at 10:30 AM, for the Capitol (back), White House Collection
    White House Collection
    This image is the back of the pencil sketch by Albert Berghaus depicting Inauguration Day 1877. Berghaus was a Reconstruction-era American illustrator who worked for Frank Leslie's Weekly. Berghaus' original works are extremely rare and few are in private collections. The back side of the sketch contains an inscription explaining the contents of the scene as well as a separate sketch of a police officer matching the front, where a line of police officers stands next to the open carriage. See image 8771 for the front side of the sketch.
  • The Outgoing and Ingoing Presidents Leaving the White House, at 10:30 AM, for the Capitol (front), White House Collection
    North Portico
    North Drive
    White House Collection
    This pencil sketch by Albert Berghaus is of Inauguration Day 1877. Outgoing President Ulysses S. Grant and President-Elect Rutherford B. Hayes leave the White House for the ceremony at the Capitol. Berghaus was a Reconstruction-era American illustrator who worked for Frank Leslie's Weekly. Berghaus' original works are extremely rare and few are in private collections. This sketch appears to be preliminary, with details such as the detailed stonework over the entrance to the North Portico only partially completed, as though Berghaus intended to use it for a larger work or finish the sketch later. See image 8772 to see the reverse side sketch and inscription.
  • Tadeusz Kosciuszko, White House Collection
    American Revolution
    White House Collection
    This copy of a portrait of Tadeusz Kosciuszko was done by Danute Sawnor, based on the original portrait by Jozef Grassi. Kosciuszko was a Polish military leader who fought in the American Revolution. Kosciuszko is depicted wearing the insignia of the Order of Cincinnati, an exclusive society of military officers formed during the Revolutionary era.
  • Susan Brownell Anthony, White House Collection
    White House Collection
    This bust of Susan B. Anthony was made by Adelaide Johnson. Anthony was one of the leading figures in the women's suffrage movement in the 1800s. On Election Day 1872 she persuaded an election inspector in Rochester, New York to allow her to vote, and was tried and convicted in 1873 for illegally voting. The Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which guaranteed women the right to vote, is also known as the Anthony Amendment. Johnson was a sculptor and active feminist.
  • Alexander Hamilton, White House Collection
    John Trumbull
    White House Collection
    This portrait of Alexander Hamilton, the first secretary of treasury, was painted by John Trumbull and was completed circa 1805. Trumbull, who had served as personal aide to General George Washington during the Revolutionary War, painted numerous portraits which are in the White House Collection. Four of his paintings adorn the walls of the Capitol Rotunda in Washington, D.C. Hamilton was an influential figure in the early years of the United States and died at the age of 49 following a famous duel with Vice President Aaron Burr.